What's your favorite...
Here are the updated favorites:
What is your favorite fast food? In-n-Out (A triple-triple animal style!)What is your favorite Disney Movie = Pirates of the Caribbean
What is your favorite Sea Ranch memory= rock hopping with winterfresh, SF- Tommy Toys
What is your favorite Sister-Listeneth.
What is your favorite place to lunch while in high school? Teryiaki Kitchen (Though Favela's was good as was Joe's)
WHO'S your favorite 2-doors-down neighbor that moved far away to Michigan and then even drove 15 hours to visit you in Rhode Island? -Browns
Why did I think your birthday was on the 5th? Your brain isn't working. (Wrong ? format...you always had a hard time with this one Brown!)
Well in our family heritage we have a tradition for birthdays...Everyone present asks the birthday boy/girl what their favorite...is. So I've already been sung too and asked a few favorite questions a day early today so I thought I'd share them and add few extras.
What is your favorite Jungle Animal? Tiger and/or Liger
What is your favorite Primary song? Beautiful Savior (in German)
What is your favorite thing about Rhode Island? I don't know, we keep leaving the state to see other things. (Waterfire was wicked awesome)
What is your favorite shell fish? Dungeness Crab (No not the Quahog, at least not yet)
What is your favorite primary (baby) tooth? #C (Yes I know C is a letter not a number but tell that to the AAPD)
What is your favorite son? SamWell
What is your favorite name for your future daughter? Veronica M. Warner
What is your favorite dessert? Flourless Chocolate Torte (with Raspberry Sauce)
What is your favorite book? Duh, The Bartimaues Trilogy
What is your favorite way to announce that your wife is pregnant? "I got another one past the goalie!"
What is your favorite thing Emily begins to do when she is pregnant? Long belches
What is your favorite memory of your children? Today was fun playing out on the Trampoline in the rain...then coming in for Hot Chocolate! We also made yummy rice crispy treats and Sam helped me make pizza dough.
sure! I asked what is your favorite fast food. and you said in and out. HAPPY BDAY from FHP
WHO'S your favorite 2-doors-down neighbor that moved far away to Michigan and then even drove 15 hours to visit you in Rhode Island? Why did I think your birthday was on the 5th? Well, happy birthday!
favorite place to lunch while in high school?
Lunch in HS-Teryiaki Kitchen (Though Favela's was good as was Joe's)
Sorry FHP I couldn't recall your question last night.
Sheba- it said SamWell, duh. Sea Ranch= rock hopping with winterfresh, SF- Tommy Toys
I'm still waiting, with G, to hear your favorite Disney movie. Let's have it. Then you need to update your list with all these new questions and answers!!!
Love you, birthday Bug!
Favorite Disney Movie = Pirates of the Caribbean.
Yes Gin, I do know what you were probably thinking. Actually I believe you asked that one year and it hasn't changed yet, well maybe. ;-)
Thanks for including mh fast food question. I had terriaki kitchen the other day, new owners, same great stuff. never really got into favella's, but can alway do the bell. Only one more year and you'll be rolling down the other side of the hill with all the rest of us. FHP
What's your favorite fingernail polish color?
(Hey, I know it's stupid but your so popular I'm running out of the thing to ask you!)
As in that is a gay question? Pink
Yes we do say wicked...but only here in Rhode Island. In fact our orthodontist says "he has a wicked overbite." It's fun. And any word ending in "a" is then pronounced with an "r". Like Lisa=Liser, pnemonia=pnemonier and my favorite is diarhea=dirarher. Yes I did here all those.
What was your favorite thing to throw off a three-story balcony?
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