Thursday, September 06, 2007

Surf's Up!!!

Monday was a major Beach Day. I started out surfing (for my fourth time) with my bro-in-law in the morning. Then a picnic with our SF friends until the high tide forced us to relocate to a beach farther north. Followed by swimming at our hotel. Max keeps wanting to do anything as long as there is "a lot of water."


Foot Handle Pete said...

I didn't know that you were coming out this way. Just a little to far south. Hope that you had fun. FHP

Linz said...

Pout. I want to go to the beach...

The Jonas Family said...

Looks like you are your family are having a lot of fun! Do you think you will end up moving back to CA (where?) one day? How long are you back east? Mike is in the interviewing process now. Scary to think where we will end up.

Adriane said...

cools. you guys should take a road trip to sf because we miss you.


Anonymous said...

Hey - Maxers is lookin' mighty comfy as a So Cal surfer dude!