Emily's Crushes
It started out innocent enough with her elephant sized crush on John Cusack. This began to worry me when she said I have nothing to worry about unless he moves in next door. Luckily that will never happen. She even commisioned one of the young women in the ward in SF to make a Cusack Strip.
So I tried to compete with that by commissioning my own of Kristen Ball.
(I miss you Veronica!)
Then this crush turned into two, and then three. She tried to justify it by accusing me of having a crush on the Safeway butcher, but it was a feeble attempt. So, here to honor Em is a list of a tenth of the crushes that I can remember her admitting:
- Mechanic: Jim Moone (Our RI mechanic, not sure if it was the dad or son, probably both!)
- Pottery Teacher Crush: Some guy on You-Tube with NICE forearms
- John Cusack
- Old Man Crush: Mark Harman NCIS
- Female Lab Tech Crush: Abby from NCIS
- Prophet Crush: President Hinckley
(Can't blame her on this one)
- John Cusack
- Slightly overweight Chef crush: Julia (America's Test Kitchen)
- Ugly Man crush: Gary Sinise.
- Japanese Piano Tuner/Restorer Crush: Abe-san. (I guess it is because he wears a suit and bow-tie while fixing pianos. And parts his hair down the middle.)
- Mr. Darcy.
- Doctor Crush: Dr. B., Max's pediatrician in S.F. (may also be a gay crush)
You DID have a crush on that Safeway Butcher in S.F.! Perv!
And no no, not Gary Sinise. It's some other ugly guy who I find oddly appealing. Can't remember who though...It's going to bug me all day.
All the rest though...I'll admit too. And WHERE did you find that H.O.T. pic of Cusack at the beginning of your post!?!?!
mmm John Cusack. also, whoever made those colorbars is clearly very talented. you should probably move back to San Francisco so that you can be in her general vicinity.
I have a horrible man-crush on John Cusack, he is the greatest (and I commend your amazing taste).
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